Getting Rid of the Cat Smell

There are so many things to love about cats: their individual personalities, their spunky playfulness, and the fresh, flowery smell of cat urine.

Many have experienced visiting the home of one too many cats and subsequently wondered if their own cats let off a smell that they have become immune to smelling. Others do smell their little fur balls but don't know how to stop smelling cat around every corner of the home.

One main cause of "the cat smell" is the litter box and whatever is left in it. We spend hours every month cleaning it, adding deodorizers to it, and spraying air freshener around it. If after all of this, something "special" is still lingering, consider that the formulation of all cat litter brands may not mix well with each cat's own unique chemical makeup.

Another main cause may be lingering cat urine smell in the carpet. This is particularly true if any accidents occurred that weren't cleaned up immediately or thoroughly enough.