- Provide your cat with a fresh supply of water throughout the day.
- If you make a change to your cat's diet, do so as gradually as possible.
- If moist pet food goes uneaten for two hours, refrigerate it.

- Place a small towel over the side of the tub to provide a surface for your cat to cling onto. Hold the cat with one hand and lather with your other hand.
- Water temperature should be approximately 100 degrees.
- Wash your cat's head, ears and neck first to prevent any fleas that are on your cat from taking refuge there while you clean the rest of it's body.
- Brush your cat daily to minimize shedding.
- For problems with matted fur, use your fingers to work out the tangles.
- Trim claws by pressing the paw to expose the nails. Make sure to use clippers for cats.
Care of Your Cat's Ears
Cleaning your cat's ears should be done weekly. Doing so will ensure your cat stays healthy and happy for years to come. Use a small amount of veterinary ear cleaner and a cotton ball.
Care Of Your Cat's Eyes
The wax-like secretions that forms in the corner of their eyes should be gently cleared away to prevent irritation. Use a damp cotton ball to clean around the cat's eye. Take extra care not to touch the eyeball.
Exercise is an important part of cat care. Regular exercise helps your cat maintain body tone, muscle and keeps it feeling younger longer. Try to play with your cat every day to make sure it gets enough exercise.
Proper cat care is a very important component of responsible cat ownership. We hope these tips are helpful to you and that you are now better familiar with how to take care of a cat.